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The Truth is Coming

Christian Civil Liberties Leader and former New Zealand Politician Billy Te Kahika is Producing, Writing and Directing 'River of Lies - The New Zealand Scamdemic Investigative Documentary

During the 2020 New Zealand General Elections Billy Te Kahika was voted 3rd equal as the preferred Prime Minister in the prestigious Colmar Brunton Political Poll. The first time ever for a first time, new entrant politician.

Mr Te Kahika was then leader of the New Zealand Public Party and co-leader of Advance New Zealand that became the fastest grown political party in New Zealand’s political history. His online following was bigger than the Prime Minister’s and he was viewed as a serious contender.

The political party and Mr Te Kahika’s entry in politics was fuelled by a deep concern with the New Zealand Government’s draconian Covid 19 Public Health Response Act. This act that has seen over 30,000 businesses destroyed, over 1000 suicide and attempted suicides from lockdown anxiety, destruction of Human Rights and the belief that New Zealand is being covertly led into being a communist style technocratic dictatorship.

On August 18,2021, Mr Te Kahika was arrested while protesting lockdown harm in Auckland during an alert level 4 lockdown. The aim of the protest was to attract Government attention to the plight of millions of New Zealanders suffering under lockdown and the Government’s Covid-19 policies.

Peaceful assembly and right to freedom of speech and expression is guaranteed under the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 under any circumstance.

Mr Te Kahika was arrested and incarcerated for 28 hours in Mt Eden Prison and then remanded under house arrest for 19 days with a total ban on access to social media or computer devices for 2 months and banned from Auckland City – all totally unprecedented.

Mr Te Kahika has just completed several days of trial in the Auckland District Court where he maintained his rights to protest are protected under the NZ Bill of Rights Act 1990 – the Judge delivers his decision on December 16, 2022.

Mr Te Kahika faces two charges – one for organising a protest under a lockdown and the second for attending a protest during a lockdown. He faces up to six months in prison for one charge and a $1,000.00 fine for the other.

Additional to these charges, the Government has charged him with ‘Electoral Fraud’ for overspending $1,800.00, submitting 3 Electoral reports in good faith and non-declaration of fifteen thousand dollars gained by fraud. To say that these charges are fraud in themselves is an understatement.

When asked about why he is producing this documentary Mr Te Kahika, also a Pastor, commented:

‘Somebody had to do something to bring to light massive evidence of negligence, corruption, dishonesty, media manipulation and crimes committed by the New Zealand Government under Jacinda Ardern and show the harm they have caused. This is about justice and truth'.

‘I have heard from literally thousands upon thousands of Kiwis who live in fear, anger and with a sense of hopelessness because of this Government’s behaviour in relation to Covid’ and their slow and stealthy introduction of globalist communism in New Zealand.

‘I also know of hundreds of New Zealanders who have ended their lives because of lockdowns including many dozens of young beautiful Kiwi kids – this is not tolerable and I had to act and as a Father, Grandfather and a Pastor with a large public profile how could I not?’

Asked if he is concerned about harm he may face from authorities for producing this documentary Mr Te Kahika comments: ‘Yes, I know that the Government is seeking to harm me in anyway it can and this is a war. My ancestors fought and bled to defend freedom in our beautiful country and I honour their sacrifice and my God by doing this work and whilst I am aware of the dangers, it has not deterred me from carrying out this investigation and documentary’. The TRUTH IS coming!

Contact: Billy Te Kahika


Phone: +64 21 138 7005

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Dec 09, 2022

I have lost my sister in law on the 12 November 2 weeks after she got the booster heart attack, she was 59. Same age as me, I am having problems with health my resting heart rate is between 96 and 105, I dont mention it to my doctor because I no longer trust the health system or police and government.


Dec 08, 2022

BTW - I lost my cousin and my son and my partner's 17 year old cousin!!


Dec 08, 2022

As I am a Christian, I hate violence. Unfortunately, history tells us... revolution means...??? We need to physically remove these scum bags! I have already lost family because of them!


Dec 08, 2022

I have been quiet for nearly 3 years now. I am also a Christian and can see what is happening here It may be time to stand up and fight for what is right.


David Taylor
David Taylor
Dec 08, 2022

Absolutely they do ... the main political parties in NZ follow their orders from the WEF who recruit, powerful people globally into Klaus Swabs classes and seminars. The WEF is funded and run by these powerful elites and the cabal. They are wanting a one world digital currency and a one world government. Ask ACT, Labour and National if they support and believe in the ideology of the WEF.

This is why by voting nation, labour or act you are agreeing to have NZ run by these globalists. All smaller Freedom parties must unite under one single entity in order to get over the threshold and get a foothold in parliament which can hold these main parties to account…

Dec 08, 2022
Replying to

You are 100% right brother! We need to get the message out. Unfortunately there are still too many mask wearing lie believers I see all around. As a Christian, I am sad to say that they will not be voting in the future.

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