Episode One
Thank you Billy Te Kahika and team for this excellent and important work. You reveal deep and disturbing truths related to the Covid-19 response enacted by the New Zealand Government, its media and its so called 'experts'. You ask important questions. Your film exposes the disastrous impact of that response. It brings to light the severity of the extreme measures placed upon New Zealanders by the Govt and the ongoing impact on our people. Intelligently scripted and well-paced, informative and penetrating, a thoroughly engaging watch.
A excellent documentary that provides a huge insight into what is happening today in our country, full of factual information that will inform us all about the lies and misinformation and corruption that is rampant in our government and other institutions. Highly recommend that all New Zealanders watch it to hear the truth.
Someone needed to document the darkest days in our country's history... With truth, integrity and compassion. Well done to you and your team.
We've been through a major historical event since 2019 - in fact, we're still in it, especially the Covid jab victims and their families - and there are a lot of hurt and angry people out there, so well done to the team for keeping the emotion under restraint, maintaining a factual perspective, and for providing a resource for people both now and in the future who want to understand what happened. Looking forward to the next instalment!
Finally got to see this much anticipated movie on Sunday! It was everything I expected. Well researched, easy to listen to and although I was aware of most things that were revealed there were a few things that I didn’t know! Well done Billy and team! Looking forward to parts two and three.
Thank you so much Billy, and your team who worked tirelessly to create this powerful, riveting and truthful documentary, based on facts and evidence. Am looking forward to Episode 2.
What a magnificent effort Billy and his team have made in crafting this documentary. Fearlessly documenting what will be remembered as one of the darkest, if not the darkest of NewZealand history. This doco and the next two in the series will be a historical resource not only for New Zealanders but people from all round the world.
This gripping documentary (episode 1) is a digital timestamp that reminds us of the totalitarian regime that we have lived under for the past 3+ years - which still carries on through today. It has and will continue to have a profound impact on every New Zealander.
This documentary will also allow future generations to understand the dystopian period their forefathers lived in. The repercussions of these events have undoubtedly shaped our nation's history, and it's essential that we encourage all our family, friends and wider connections to view this documentary.
Even for New Zealand citizens who have been deeply propagandised by the panic-porn delivered by the government and its mainstream media shills, this documentary may help them realise the scale of what appears to be a military grade psychological operation.
A special thank-you to Billy Te Kakika who, against a backdrop of government and media smear campaigns, has held his head high, as great leaders do.
Highly recommended viewing.
This documentary is absolutely amazing and explains the truth hidden beneath all the lies we have been subjected to regarding Covid 19 over the last 3 years.
Excellent documentary. Better than I had expected even though people had told me how good it was. It is great that Billy has documented all this history. New Zealanders in generations to come will be astounded to see. All New Zealanders need to see this.
This film is an extraordinary compilation of events in what is the worst and darkest period of our history in beautiful New Zealand and indeed in our world! It has been so well done, portraying the nefarious bunch who have been bullying as many of us as they can to bend to their illogic...to harm ourselves! I appreciate and give thanks to Billy, Vinnie and every one else who has bravely stepped out to reveal the truth from the shovel fulls of lies and misinformation that the good folk of this earth have been buried deep in. It is over for "them". Truth prevails, always. The systemic mind control, shocking as it is, becomes so apparent when viewing this documentary. Thank you for a job very well done, to the entire team.
This educational, investigative documentary using our Government's own data & statistics (not conspiracy) is ideal to watch with family & friends and a means of stimulating logical, critical thinking .
My interest in absorbing the evidence in the documentary and desire to support Billy and the documentary’s promotional events, has led me to view it six times, and never have l become bored or distracted, but rather, gleaned new or deeper information from it with each viewing; so packed with facts is this investigative documentary. It is suitably named.
With immense information presented from politicians and government and mainstream medical sources, etc. the documentary substantiates that ‘conspiracy theories’ and so-called ‘dangerous false misinformation’ are in fact reality and have been all the time; and that the government and mainstream medical narrative has in fact been a flowing river of lies.
The in-your-face contradictions, where a piece of covid propaganda is presented, immediately followed by a disproof in the form of substantial scientific evidence, a graph of facts, a statement from a governmental website, or something, are enough to convince even the dullest unthinking brain of the hoax human society has been under. It calls to and engages the intelligence, it twists the heart with distress, and it contains light-hearted humour which makes you laugh.
Though I don’t have a professional eye, l cannot fault this documentary. Kudos to Uncle Ted and all who have helped Billy with this valuable professional production, miraculously created within just one year.
Absolutely outstanding, I knew this Doco was going to be excellent, but i wasn't quite prepared for how factual and honest every single part is, I can not wait for episode 2.
About time someone told the truth! Everyone should see this!
I enjoyed the 1st episode of The River of Lies. It had great interviews with well recognized professionals. It was very informative and worth the wait. I got teary at seeing Dr Rashid Buttar as I watched a lot of his videos and had weekly meditations with him. The interviews were very informative with very well known men and women. Thanks so much to the team and Billy.
A very professional and well investigated movie with all the facts and documentation shown. Great interviews. Thank you for presenting the lies and misinformation about Jacinda, the Labour Government and all those so-called NZ professionals who did not have the qualifications to roll out the Covid agenda. I look forward to seeing your next episode.
This documentary is absolutely amazing .....so well put together so professional....such integrity with the information....it put everything together and sure made it real perhaps raw as well...as the memories flooded back....I have send the promo pic and a little message from me to those on my messager contacts and posted up on fbook as well as my story....will send out to more and endeavor to post regularly to promote this documentary....also in hope more people see this and donate to create a strong fund going forward.....
Most impressed with the professionalism of the documentary. The information set out brilliantly. Easy to follow and understand. As my husband said a real eye opener. So thank you for all the hard work and will be encouraging others to watch. Waiting with great expectation for the next two documentaries.
This documentary is a MUST WATCH for everyone, whether living in NZ or abroad. Totally impressed with professional way it was put together as well as with the detailed, proven content. Some of the info was a real eye opener and I would encourage everyone to watch it if they are concerned even a little bit about their and their family's future. 12 outta 10!
This will be the historical document of what happened in NZ in the great reset and be used to charge those responsible.
Have watched it twice now. I love it - beautifully done. Well done you. I can't wait to see the next episodes!
I didn't want the Documentary viewing to end...🤔 I was captivated with the amount of information and evidence to support what was shown,. Thank you to the Hosts of "Rua Resort" for supporting "Billy and Vinny the Documentary Team, sister Bhadra, and all those who made the work load in the background run smoothly for the event viewing. of episode 1 in Hamilton ❤️ I thought I had prepared myself to go along and watch the documentary, with a open mInd and a humble heart...! You really need to go through the documentary with peace in your heart and minda as well as a forgiving spirit...🙏 I apologise to Billy ,Vinny and the team that I could not stay longer after episode 1 had ended, I would've love to have stayed to hear everyone's Q&A comments afterwards... I recommend people to watch this documentary and I would certainly recommend episode 2+3 when they become available!❤️🤩🙏 Ngā mihi Aroha ki a koutou
I have just watched Episode One. I found it a gripping documentary and I am so pleased that I contributed to its making. I am looking foward to Episode Two.
Well done River of Lies Team!
The doco exceeded my high expectations;I was ‘blown away’, as it were lol The research, the flow, the graphics; the whole thing..and the fact that it wasn’t repetitive as some docos are.. A pat on the back for you & the team!