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The Truth Is Coming and the Campaign for Justice


Following the shocking prison sentence I received for peacefully protesting on March 31st, I have since been in a process of regrouping.

It has been dreadfully hard watching the effect this has had on my beautiful wife and family. My wife has been so very strong during these past three years but finally she had her breakdown on Friday and the reality of the impact on the children sunk home. They have been keeping the negative impact that it has had on them from me but it’s now all out. They’ve been braver over the past three years than I truly understood.

I wanted to post this blog so that you know that we are working very hard on the documentary and getting part one edited and released. I am facing danger, but the danger is going to happen either with or without the documentary being out – and I would rather the truth and the documentary be out.

I can see now how important an educational tool this is going to be, to help people really understand what the issues are and the tyranny we have all been fooled into accepting and believing. I want to see everyone saved and released from deception. Again I say this is not a left or right game – it is all just manipulation, and the foolish are blindly playing by the rules set by those intent on the destruction and enslavement of all. Oh, how I wish I was wrong about all of this but the reality has caught up with what I was warning about in 2020.

Justice for Billy Te Kahika and Vinny Eastwood Campaign

I also have a 'Justice for Billy Te Kahika and Vinny Eastwood Campaign' planned. Please help us and support the plan when we release it. I do not mind being out front fighting if I know you are all behind me, but the sacrifice my family has made and the reality of it means I want to fight to stay out of prison. If I had committed a crime, I would open wide, admit it, and swallow my medicine, but this was no crime. I also believe they will try and harm me in prison. I say this not to dramatize, or wanting to attract attention, but in case they do something – you will know what happened.

Thank you for your care and support for me – I fought all along for the right reasons, and not for self or self gain.

Please help me to stay with my family.

Your brother,

Billy Te Kahika

PS: If you would like to contribute and donate please know my family and I thank you most sincerely and with our love.

Our account is:

38-9006-0500453-01 – Name: C Te Kahika.

Bank: Kiwibank

Photo of Billy with Vinny Eastwood and Vinny’s new born son Alfie outside the Auckland District Court awaiting sentence. 30 minutes later Billy and Vinny were sentenced to prison.

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Please be safe you two, if for nothing else - for your family. Kia kaha Billy and Vinny, may God Bless your mahi with much aroha.


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